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Academic Performance 23-24
2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Crittenden County School District

Elementary Reading Elementary Math
14% Distinguished 10% Distinguished
31% Proficient 37% Proficient
Middle School Reading Middle School
20% Distinguished 12% Distinguished
32% Proficient 45% Proficient
High School Reading High School Math
16% Distinguished 10% Distinguished
34% Proficient 21% Proficient

More information can be found on the Kentucky School Report Card at

Crittenden County

High School

Concert and Middle School Band

Concert Band

Concert and Middle School Band

Band Members Expectations:
  • Follow all school procedures and classroom behavior expectations!
  • Every student must to keep a minimum grade of C in every class to stay in band.
  • Students must be in the band room with their instruments assembled and ready to play 5 minutes after the bell to avoid being marked tardy.
  • Forgetting any material that is crucial to band (Instrument, Music, or a Pencil) will automatically lower your participation grade for the week.
  • Students will respect the property of others by not tampering or playing with another person’s instrument, music, or band locker during or outside of class, including music stands and percussion equipment.
  • Students will stay out of side rooms and Mr. Benoit's office without permission. (The only time you are allowed in the office is while Mr. Benoit is also in office; no students are allowed in the fridge)
  • During rehearsals, phones are not to be on your person at any time. It needs to be left in the instrument storage room, your backpack or instrument case, or the phone pouch.
  • If you have their phone on their stand, in an attempt to hide your phone, you will lose it for the day and receive a write up.
  • If students are asked to be at a rehearsal or event, the time given is when we start doing things. Please get your student there 15 to 30 minutes early so they can get their materials out and properly prepare. 
  • Instruments must be kept in playing condition. Clean your instrument regularly! If repairs need to be made, let Mr. Benoit know ASAP!
  • Students using a school instrument will be financially responsible for anything broken on their instrument.
  • While in the band classroom, students will keep their mouths free of gum, candy, and food. This severely damages the instruments. (Only exception is water with a lid)


Students are required to participate in all performances. Band class is a performance-based class. Band concerts are school-related activities and take priority over non-school related activities. Band is a team activity where no student ever sits on the bench, so please make sure to have your student at every required band performance. Missing a dress rehearsal (200 Points) and a performance (500 Points) will dramatically affect your grade. This will also include Concert Assessment in the Spring. Listed below are our most important required performances:

Concert Performance Schedule -
December 16th: Christmas Concert Dress Rehearsal (After School Band Room; 3:15 to 5:30)
December 17th: A Rocket Christmas Concert (6:30 at Rocket Arena)
March 24th-25th: Large Ensemble Assessment (Paducah Tilghman HS)
May 5th: Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal (After School at Fohs Hall; 4:00 to 6:00)
May 6th: Spring Concert Dress Rehearsal (6:00 at Fohs Hall)

High School All-District Material

Middle School All-District Material:

Required Materials

Students will need to bring the following materials to band class daily:
Band instrument:
  • Flute 
  • Clarinet 
  • Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Baritone 
  • Tuba
  • Percussion, Sticks and Mallets
  • (Guitar and Piano is not an option for band)
*Information about instrument rentals are in the 6th grade and new member page*

  • Pack of Pencils
  • Sharpener (the band room is lacking one of those, if someone would like to donate a pencil sharpener, that would be greatly appreciated)
  • Standard of Excellence or Red Book (Make sure to get this book for the instrument you play)
  • A binder of folder for sheet music (We do offer free folders to anyone that needs them)
  • Valve/Slide Oil
  • Tuning Slide Grease

  • 1 pair of Drumsticks and/or Marimba Mallets (See Mr. Benoit for recommendations)

  • Instrument Swab (We need to make sure these instruments stay in clean working order)
  • Cleaning Rod (Flutes only)
  • Cork Grease (Saxophones and Clarinets)
  • Vandoren 3 Reeds for Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Alto Saxophone or Baritone Saxophone (These reeds need to be a 3; if you unsure in what you are getting, please reach out, I'm more than happy to help

*If you are having trouble acquiring any of these things please let me know. We can make something work!*
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Students, their families, employees and potential employees of Crittenden County Schools are hereby notified that the district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex or disability in employment, vocational programs offerings, admissions criteria, or activities as set forth in compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations.