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Academic Performance 23-24
2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Crittenden County School District

Elementary Reading Elementary Math
14% Distinguished 10% Distinguished
31% Proficient 37% Proficient
Middle School Reading Middle School
20% Distinguished 12% Distinguished
32% Proficient 45% Proficient
High School Reading High School Math
16% Distinguished 10% Distinguished
34% Proficient 21% Proficient

More information can be found on the Kentucky School Report Card at

Crittenden County

School District



The CCBO, Inc. is an organization of stakeholders dedicated to providing support and resources to the Crittenden County Schools, their athletic programs, and their support organizations. 

"CCBO, Inc. will operate honestly and accurately to safeguard the collection and distribution of resources aimed to support Crittenden County's students and their activities in an effort to help all students excel and enhance their educational experience. We do this through a cooperative collaboration of all the organization's stakeholders to promote the ultimate success of our students."

CCBO, Inc. will demonstrate the following core values in all our activities:
Integrity:  Always do the right thing. 
Teamwork:  Accountability to the entire organization.
Accuracy:  Professional handling of our resources. 
Professionalism:  We represent the students of Crittenden County. 
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Students, their families, employees and potential employees of Crittenden County Schools are hereby notified that the district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex or disability in employment, vocational programs offerings, admissions criteria, or activities as set forth in compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations.